
authz module


The authz module facilitates granting authorizations to perform actions, such as spending tokens, on behalf of one account to other accounts.


An authorization is an allowance to execute an action by the grantee on behalf of the authorization granter, e.g. to send tokens to an account from the granter, or to delegate tokens to a validator from the granter. There are 3 major built-in authorization types:

  • SendAuthorization

  • StakeAuthorization

  • GenericAuthorization


SendAuthorization implements an authorization to the grantee to perform, on behalf of the granter, a basic send action defined in the bank module. It takes a SpendLimit that is greater than 0 to specify the maximum amount of tokens the grantee can spend with. The SpendLimit keeps track of how many tokens allowed are left in the authorization and is updated as the tokens are spent until the SendAuthorization gets cleared when the SpendLimitreaches 0. Sending an amount greater than the SpendLimit is not allowed.


StakeAuthorization implements an authorization to the grantee to perform, on behalf of the granter, delegate, unbond (undelegate), or redelegate actions defined in the staking module. Each of the above actions needs to be authorized separately, with which either an AllowList or a DenyList must be specified to restrict which validators to or not to perform a staking action with. Optionally, MaxTokens can also be specified in the authorization that keeps track of a limit to the amount of tokens to be delegated/undelegated/redelegated. If left unspecified, the amount is unlimited. Similar to the SpendLimit in SendAuthorization, MaxTokens gets updated after each valid authorized staking action. An authorized staking action that uses tokens beyond the MaxTokens is not allowed.


GenericAuthorization implements an authorization to the grantee to perform, on behalf of the granter, a generic action. In other words, GenericAuthorization facilitates an arbitrary action grant, where a MsgTypeURL must be specified to correspond to an action defined in the modules. A GenericAuthorization is currently unrestricted beyond the MsgTypeURL. For example, when granting someone to send tokens, the SpendLimit in SendAuthorization will not be enforced. Therefore, a SendAuthorization without a spend limit may in fact be implemented as a GenericAuthorization with the MsgTypeURL been set to / The following are some common MsgTypeURLs:

  • Send: /

  • Delegate: /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate

  • Unbond/Undelegate: /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate

  • Redelegate: /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate

  • Withdraw delegator reward: /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward

  • Mint NFT: /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgMintNFT

  • Burn NFT: /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgBurnNFT

  • Transfer NFT: /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgTransferNFT

  • Edit NFT: /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgEditNFT

NOTE Expiration of Grant: The granter can optionally set an Expiration time in form of a UNIX Timestamp for any authorization grant. The Expiration time should be later than current UNIX Timestamp and is defaulted to be one year from the current time if unspecified. An authorization may be executed only if the grant has not yet expired. Setting an Expiration time for an authorization grant is generally encouraged.

Transactions and Queries


In general, a granter can grant an authorization to a grantee or revoke an existing authorization already granted to the grantee. A grantee can execute an authorization already granted by the granter.


An authorization starts from the granter granting the grantee.

  • under SendAuthorization

tx authz grant [grantee_address] send --spend-limit [amount] --from [granter_address]- Grant to send with a spend limit

Example: Grant to send with a spend limit and an expiration time The granter may grant a grantee to send tokens on the granter's behalf, where a spend limit should be provided through the --spend-limit flag. For example, granter may authorize grantee to spend up to 10 CRO, and sets an expiration time at the end of the year 2022 (i.e. 1672531199 in Unix timestamp) by running

$ chain-maind tx authz grant <grantee_address> send --spend-limit 10cro --from <granter_address> --expiration 1672531199 --chain-id <chain-id>

## Illustrative partial transaction payload ##
    "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",
    "grant": {
        "authorization": {
            "@type": "/",
            "spend_limit": [
                    "amount": "1000000000",
                    "denom": "basecro"
        "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
    "grantee": "cro1j...",
    "granter": "cro18..."

  • under StakeAuthorization

tx authz grant [grantee_address] delegate --spend-limit [amount] --allowed-validators [list_of_allowed_validators_separated_by_,] --from [granter_address]- Grant to delegate to validators on a specified list

Example: Grant to delegate to validators on a specified list with a spend limit The granter may grant a grantee to delegate tokens on the granter's behalf, where either a list of allowed validators (through the --allowed-validators flag) or denied validators (through the --deny-validators flag) should be provided. For example, granter may authorize grantee to delegate on the granter's behalf up to 10 CRO towards a specified list of validators by running

$ chain-maind tx authz grant <grantee_address> delegate --spend-limit 10cro --allowed-validators <list_of_allowed_validators_separated_by_,> --from <granter_address> --expiration <expiration_time> --chain-id <chain-id>

## Illustrative partial transaction payload ##
    "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",
    "grant": {
        "authorization": {
            "@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.StakeAuthorization",
            "allow_list": {
                "address": [
            "authorization_type": "AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE",
            "max_tokens": {
                "amount": "1000000000",
                "denom": "basecro"
        "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
    "grantee": "cro1j...",
    "granter": "cro18..."

On the contrary, the granter may choose to exclude a list of validators the grantee can delegate to on the granter's behalf:

tx authz grant [grantee_address] delegate --spend-limit [amount] --deny-validators [list_of_deny_validators_separated_by_,] --from [granter_address]- Grant to delegate to validators excluding a specified list

Granting to redelegate or undelegate (unbond) is very similar by just replacing the delegate with redelegate or unbond:

tx authz grant [grantee_address] redelegate --spend-limit [amount] --allowed-validators [list_of_allowed_validators_separated_by_,] --from [granter_address]- Grant to redelegate to validators on a specified list

tx authz grant [grantee_address] unbond --spend-limit [amount] --allowed-validators [list_of_allowed_validators_separated_by_,] --from [granter_address]- Grant to unbond from validators on a specified list

NOTE Spend Limit for StakeAuthorization: A spend limit for a grant to delegate/redelegate/unbond is not necessary but generally recommended.

  • under GenericAuthorization

Other than the above grants under SendAuthorization or StakeAuthorization, one may authorize other grants through GenericAuthorization:

tx authz grant [grantee_address] generic --msg-type [msg_type_url] --from [granter_address]- Grant for generic authorization with a specified Message Type URL

Example: Grant to withdraw delegator reward

$ chain-maind tx authz grant <grantee_address> generic --msg-type /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward --from <granter_address> --expiration <expiration_time> --chain-id <chain-id>

## Illustrative partial transaction payload ##
    "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",
    "grant": {
        "authorization": {
            "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",
            "msg": "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward"
        "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
    "grantee": "cro1j...",
    "granter": "cro18..."


tx authz grant [grantee_address] generic --msg-type /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgMintNFT --from [granter_address]- Grant to mint NFT

tx authz grant [grantee_address] generic --msg-type /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgTransferNFT --from [granter_address]- Grant to transfer NFT

tx authz grant [grantee_address] generic --msg-type /chainmain.nft.v1.MsgEditNFT --from [granter_address]- Grant to edit NFT

so on and so forth.

NOTE Message Type URL & Updating an Existing Grant: At any time, there is up to one grant allowed for each Message Type URL over a unique granter-grantee pair. To update an existing grant, the granter will need to re-grant the grantee and the new grant will overwrite the old grant.


The exec transaction composes of 2 transactions:

  • the authorized transaction: the transaction to be executed on behalf of the granter; and

  • the execution transaction: the transaction that contains and executes the above authorized transaction.

After a valid grant is set up, the grantee needs to first prepare the authorized transaction, in JSON format, on behalf of the granter. For instance, when the grantee wants to execute a SendAuthorization to send 10 CRO from the granter to a recipient, one easy way to generate such authorized transaction and saves it to a file named tx.json is to use the --generate-only flag by running:

$ chain-maind tx bank send <granter_address> <recipient_address> 10cro --from <granter_address> --chain-id <chain-id> --generate-only > tx.json

## Illustrative partial transaction payload in tx.json ##
    "@type": "/",
    "amount": [
            "amount": "1000000000",
            "denom": "basecro"
    "from_address": "cro18...",
    "to_address": "cro1j..."

NOTE The authorized transaction here does not need to be signed and the address after the --from flag is the granter_address instead of the grantee_address. In other words, this authorized transaction is created by the grantee but prepared as if he/she were the granter.

After the authorized transaction is properly prepared, the grantee needs to issue an execution transaction to execute the authorized transaction:

tx authz exec [tx_json] --from [grantee_address] - Execute an authorization

$ chain-maind tx authz exec tx.json --from <grantee_address> --chain-id <chain-id>

## Illustrative partial transaction payload ##
    "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",
    "grantee": "cro1j...",
    "msgs": [
            "@type": "/",
            "amount": [
                    "amount": "1000000000",
                    "denom": "basecro"
            "from_address": "cro18...",
            "to_address": "cro1j..."

Likewise, all valid authorized grants can be executed with proper authorized transaction and execution transaction.


The granter may choose to revoke an existing authorization already granted to the grantee by running:

tx authz revoke [grantee_address] [msg_type_url] --from [granter_address] - Revoke an authorization with a specified Message Type URL

Example: Revoke an existing SendAuthorization

$ chain-maind tx authz revoke <grantee_address> / --from <granter_address> --chain-id <chain-id>

## Illustrative partial transaction payload ##
    "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",
    "grantee": "cro1j...",
    "granter": "cro18...",
    "msg_type_url": "/"


query authz grants [granter_address] [grantee_address] - Query all existing grants between a granter-grantee pair

Example: Query all existing grants between the specified granter and grantee

$ chain-maind query authz grants <granter_address> <grantee_address> --output json | jq
  "grants": [
      "authorization": {
        "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",
        "msg": "/chainmain.nft.v1.MsgTransferNFT"
      "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
      "authorization": {
        "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",
        "msg": "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward"
      "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
      "authorization": {
        "@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.StakeAuthorization",
        "max_tokens": {
          "denom": "basecro",
          "amount": "1000000000"
        "allow_list": {
          "address": [
        "authorization_type": "AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE"
      "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
  "pagination": {
    "next_key": null,
    "total": "0"

We may also specify a MsgTypeURL for the query:

query authz grants [granter_address] [grantee_address] [msg_type_url] - Query the grant with a specified Message Type URL between a granter-grantee pair

Example: Query the grant to withdraw delegator reward between the specified granter and grantee

$ chain-maind query authz grants <granter_address> <grantee_address> /cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward --output json | jq
  "grants": [
      "authorization": {
        "@type": "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",
        "msg": "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward"
      "expiration": "2022-12-31T23:59:59Z"
  "pagination": null

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