Devnet: Running Latest Development Node


This page is for building and running the latest development version of the chain for testing purposes only. The development branch is under active development and is highly unstable and subject to breaking changes. You should expect a moderate amount of troubleshooting work to be required. For anyone interested in joining the Cronos POS Chain testnet, please refer to our testnet documentation.

By following this tutorial, you can compile and run the latest development version of Cronos POS Chain from scratch. It is intended for testing purposes only.


We will be using pystarport, a dedicated script similar to cosmos starport without the scaffolding feature to build a local development network with multiple validators.

Install with Nix

Install nix

Follow official instructions:

Use binary cache

If you are using Linux, enable the cachix binary cache:

$ nix-env -iA cachix -f
$ cachix use crypto-com

Install pystarport

Install the binded version, which install chain-maind together, and find it by the absolute path:

$ nix-env -iA pystarport -f

Install the unbinded version of pystarport, which find whatever version of chain-maind it finds in PATH:

$ nix-env -iA pystarport-unbind -f

Install pystarport manually


To install pystarport manually, run:

$ git clone
$ cd chain-main
$ pip3 install pystarport

Customize your devnet

Jump to the next section to start it without customization.

You can customize your devnet based on examples/devnet.yaml:

chainmaind:  # The chain-id
    - coins: 10cro # Tokens allocated for the first validator
      staked: 10cro # Tokens that were staked by the validator in the genesis
      moniker: awesome0 # Optional, default to node{i}
      hostname: localhost # Optional, default to localhost
      base_port: 26650 # Optional, default to BASE_PROT(26650) + i * 10
    - coins: 10cro
      staked: 10cro
      moniker: awesome1
      base_port: 26660
    - name: community
      coins: 100cro
    - name: ecosystem
      coins: 200cro
    - name: reserve
      coins: 200cro
      vesting: "1d" # Optional, vesting period of the account
    - name: launch
      coins: 100cro
  genesis: # Network parameters in the genesis can be specified in here
          unbonding_time: "10s"

This configuration will give us 2 validators devnet with the chain-id chainmaind; 4 accounts under the name of community, ecosystem reserve and launch with some allocated funds at the genesis.

You can also specify some network parameters in the genesis file of your devnet under genesis: for different testing purposes. As in the above example, we have specified the unbonding_time to be 10 seconds.

Start the devnet

Once we finish with the configuration, we are ready to start the chain: in the repository root directory, run

$ pystarport serve --config examples/devnet.yaml

Afterward, keys will be generated according to the configuration specified, and the accounts' information will be generated in data/chainmaind/accounts.json, for example:

  {"name": "validator", "type": "local", "address": "cro1u6w6hurleq6nxxdhn4p3avunkak6rm8t5dvk2q", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqgn4qt0h0zvu6t9t05jwh7vedxwe4s8p5rv3jmq36v6l0c44falusftpgqm", "mnemonic": "off giggle census three heavy below balance vehicle useless reflect safe gym vivid fault fee connect miracle release material volume note coast laundry federal"},
  {"name": "validator", "type": "local", "address": "cro1yjvw6pwj7vvhg2j4rrxawcjevdqeqn5p4ujfds", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqvc9kw0ntnny6u57g72pmecuvzy2k07y3xf9r0w4vjxhseg6ujwjuqq780g", "mnemonic": "fork security naive turtle bring pill imitate suffer clerk final century shock account pulp suffer gas runway punch extra spatial else solar mango explain"},
  {"name": "community", "type": "local", "address": "cro1f8hjnj8wv9rf2vy57gx80fs5f00nyczxuuelwj", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqfr8zzx85yjw83uh33uhjajm8v3rr5lww6er6ysu7g6e3xendwsy7zadp4e", "mnemonic": "kangaroo session warrior echo make amount pear series random gas pizza cheap artefact senior lumber unknown beef rigid lemon dignity boss lesson cash innocent"},
  {"name": "ecosystem", "type": "local", "address": "cro1vfwelxg7yvgu0dhl3mcd9d8qf8g3q4zvknyhzk", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqvz3hnk30qxx8z5n00zsq28ax0fhv057unqgnetunaxsdrj3y735qff30tn", "mnemonic": "result unable ball shove city high cook ignore rally student jaguar sound tiny duck nest yellow neglect people noodle crazy lazy evolve wheel machine"},
  {"name": "reserve", "type": "local", "address": "cro1krckx5esmlz3ga7gq9vkha92nqcw8u6w382s0u", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqt4exeghsgsl2wrxp4atk63xj5ylnm95z3dkxevp8jrldvgy824duchdwky", "mnemonic": "bird best thank chalk agree buzz apple lens strike help eyebrow valley winner section protect panther april bright keen reunion burst episode obtain hockey"},
  {"name": "launch", "type": "local", "address": "cro1tgjt434qqr9y3ugmumwez5rule0ak86f2vdceg", "pubkey": "cropub1addwnpepqwn06cqy4895k5yhp0v5nx897c3s2psu4kzx4qq2r5eck2ljw557jx9e4pr", "mnemonic": "picture walnut banner glide once refuse cradle engage bike follow mistake clutch powder pencil ring walnut pigeon kind decade dutch tank immune coconut notable"}

Kindly save these mnemonics for key recovery later.

Blocks are now being generated! You can view the blockchain data by the RPC port of the awesome0 (first node): http://localhost:26657/. Furthermore, you can also use the swagger doc of awesome0 at http://localhost:26654/swagger/.

It is worth mentioning that the serve command would truncate all the blocks previously generated and regenerate a new Genesis block, which means you'll also lose all of your transaction records. If you wish to restart the chain with the existing blocks, please run pystarport with start command:

$ pystarport start

Interact with the chain

After the chain has been started, we may open up another terminal and start interacting with the chain by chain-maind.

Keys management

Restore the key

As in the last section, pre-created Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) mnemonic with genesis funds inside are prepared for you in the Devnet. To gain access to the funds, kindly restore the key by using the mnemonic before moving on to the next step.

Note: The keys are stored in your operating system by default, we will use --keyring-backend test for simplicity. You may refer to a more detailed explanation here.

  • Firstly, restore the key name as launch:

    $ chain-maind keys add launch --recover --keyring-backend test
     > Enter your bip39 mnemonic
     beef pistol fury work kick thumb delay side cement suggest tenant blind inform copy cross pull clinic arrow curtain laugh item oven clinic add
     - name: launch
     type: local
     address: cro1jyd8ul8ze2eyppet3ajl3t9sjfglf76l0ukgns
     pubkey: cropub1addwnpepqtapys5eyeg28nak7xurka7phugp8m5fyzcc92d2sz86hgf7s85lqw6jgqv
     mnemonic: ""
     threshold: 0
     pubkeys: []
  • Now you can check the balance of it by running

    $ chain-maind query bank balances cro1jyd8ul8ze2eyppet3ajl3t9sjfglf76l0ukgns
    - amount: “20000000000”
    denom: basecro
    next_key: null
    total: “0"

    We can see that there is 20000000000 basecro (=200cro) in this address as expected.

Transfer CRO to another address

Once we have a restore the key and the address , we are now ready to transfer token between different addresses; we can create another address with the key name Bob:

$ chain-maind keys add Bob --keyring-backend test
   - name: Bob
   type: local
   address: cro13vy5dks0ns99h3rkuqtka3wasp0aqax6feeqfa
   pubkey: cropub1addwnpepqwy37un50y4wd6npgx0eegjj50xdjk9a00uuw996zcer534n5edz5ka28ml
   mnemonic: ""
   threshold: 0
   pubkeys: []
  • Now you can transfer tokens to Bob, for example, you can send 1 CRO to Bob's address by

    $ chain-maind tx bank send launch cro13vy5dks0ns99h3rkuqtka3wasp0aqax6feeqfa 1cro --keyring-backend test --chain-id chainmaind
  • Lastly, check balance of Bob's address:

    $ chain-maind query bank  balances cro1qrnqv9hgmyr4nrdr905wf2h4w6gvwypwhklhar
       - amount: “100000000”
       denom: basecro
       next_key: null
       total: “0"

Congratulations! You've successfully transferred tokens to Bob.

Staking Operation

Cronos POS Chain is based on tendermint with the Proof of Stake (POS) consensus algorithm. In this sub-section, we will be covering how to perform basic staking related transactions.

Check the current validator set

Firstly, we can check the details of the current validator set by the query command of chain-maind, for example:

$ chain-maind query staking validators -o json | jq

will result in

      "operator_address": "crocncl1h9037fa3rn2hpudj5p088574pcfh47sy8tu52q",
      "consensus_pubkey": "crocnclconspub1zcjduepq0etg4wk302r0h08fuvpep4vlu4mhv9xk8s0qp5vgae7u5cw296yqqmkc9m",
      "status": 3,
      "tokens": "1000000000",
      "delegator_shares": "1000000000.000000000000000000",
      "description": {
        "moniker": "awesome1"
      "unbonding_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "commission": {
        "commission_rates": {
          "rate": "0.100000000000000000",
          "max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
          "max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
        "update_time": "2020-10-27T06:37:18.419202Z"
      "min_self_delegation": "1"
      "operator_address": "crocncl173q6r8kc3gl8lccma23qe62q5c7v9h5q9mtx2j",
      "consensus_pubkey": "crocnclconspub1zcjduepq9zfvkh8m282xdv8h4fraqfudc9uc57g85nrga54ryc2fg577lweqyy97pu",
      "status": 3,
      "tokens": "1000000000",
      "delegator_shares": "1000000000.000000000000000000",
      "description": {
        "moniker": "awesome0"
      "unbonding_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "commission": {
        "commission_rates": {
          "rate": "0.100000000000000000",
          "max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
          "max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
        "update_time": "2020-10-27T06:37:18.419202Z"
      "min_self_delegation": "1"

Then we can see that there are two active validators awesome0 and awesome1 at the moment.

For each validator, we can see that it comes with an address and a public key:

  • "operator_address" - The operator address, which is used for identifying the operators of validators;

  • "consensus_pubkey" - The consensus public key, which is used for identifying the validator nodes participating in consensus.

Delegating to a validator

One can delegate their tokens to validator(s) and earn rewards by participating in the consensus process. For example, if you would like to delegate 5 cro to the validator node "awesome0", It can be done by sending a transaction with the Staking module:

$ chain-maind tx staking delegate  crocncl173q6r8kc3gl8lccma23qe62q5c7v9h5q9mtx2j  5cro --from launch --keyring-backend test --chain-id chainmaind


confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

In order to do the above transaction, please note that you would need the "operator address" of the validator. This is the "operator_address" with the prefix crocncl we found in the last section.

Check and collect the delegation reward

As mentioned earlier, rewards will be accumulated once we delegate to a validator. We can check this reward by querying the Distribution module, for example:

$ chain-maind query distribution rewards cro1slecdwyyn35xex8ukhyddcaqml3ms59gx409rq crocncl173q6r8kc3gl8lccma23qe62q5c7v9h5q9mtx2j

- amount: "550249.594800000000000000"
  denom: basecro

Afterwards, we can send the following transaction to withdraw the rewards:

$ chain-maind tx distribution withdraw-rewards crocncl173q6r8kc3gl8lccma23qe62q5c7v9h5q9mtx2j --from launch --keyring-backend test --chain-id chainmaind


confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

If you are interested in contributing to or joining our testnet, you can continue reading the following sections about Joining the Croeseid Testnet.

Last updated

#134: Update Multiple Outdated Links and Contents in POS doc

Change request updated