Multisig Account

A Multisig account is a Cronos POS Chain account with a key that requires multiple signers in order to sign transactions. This is a useful feature to increase security as it requires the consent of more than 1 party in order to make a transaction.

This guide assumes that you have some CRO to make a transfer as well as a valid RCPC node with the --node argument against which you can broadcast transactions.

Step 1. Generate a Multisig key

First, make sure you have the public keys that will be used to create the multisig key. If not then make a public key through the command

$ ./chain-maind keys add test3

Once you have all the public keys, create the multisig account.

$ ./chain-maind keys add --multisig=test1,test2,test3[...] --multisig-threshold=2 multi
  • With the --multisig flag, pass the names of the public keys to create a new multisig account called for example "multi".

  • --multisig-threshold denotes the minimum number of private keys needed to sign a transaction, for example "2".

  • By default the order does not matter in which you pass the existing keys to create a multisig account.

Check that this multisig account multi is succesfully created:

$ ./chain-maind keys show multi

- name: multi
  type: multi
  address: cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey","threshold":2,"public_keys":[
  mnemonic: ""

Send some cro to this multisig account:

$ ./chain-maind tx bank send \
      cro19quuu2qxsfh0ryxu9dhufekepq6xdl7u5ncn34 \
      cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj \
      5cro \
      --chain-id=crypto-org-chain-mainnet-1 \

Step 2. Create a multisig transaction

If we want to send for example 1 cro from the multisig account to another account, we first setup the unsigned transaction and store the output in unsignedTx.json

$ ./chain-maind tx bank send \
    cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj \
    cro1mcxedxf985g6rj54rxqluuzdssc0r8p0hydetv \
    1cro \
    --fees=5000basecro \
    --chain-id=crypto-org-chain-mainnet-1 \
    --generate-only > unsignedTx.json

The unsignedTx.json will now contain the unsigned version of the transaction, as can be seen by the empty list in signatures.

  "body": {
    "messages": [
        "@type": "/",
        "from_address": "cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj",
        "to_address": "cro1mcxedxf985g6rj54rxqluuzdssc0r8p0hydetv",
        "amount": [
            "denom": "basecro",
            "amount": "500000000"
    "memo": "",
    "timeout_height": "0",
    "extension_options": [],
    "non_critical_extension_options": []
  "auth_info": {
    "signer_infos": [],
    "fee": {
      "amount": [
          "denom": "basecro",
          "amount": "5000"
      "gas_limit": "200000",
      "payer": "",
      "granter": ""
  "signatures": []

Step 3. Sign the transaction individually

Now we sign with at least 2 keys, for example test1 and test2 individually.

./chain-maind tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig=cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj \
    --from=test1 \
    --output-document=test1sig.json \
./chain-maind tx sign unsignedTx.json \
    --multisig=cro1klzn5esvee42swkj6y9sharx43gnsu9epy75jj \
    --from=test2 \
    --output-document=test2sig.json \

Step 4. Create the multisignature

With the signed transactions from step 3, we can sign a multisignature.

./chain-maind tx multisign \
    unsignedTx.json \
    multitest \
    test1sig.json \
    test2sig.json \
    --chain-id=crypto-org-chain-mainnet-1 > signedTx.json

Now we can see the public keys that have signed a valid new signature as indicated in the signatures field.

  "body": {
  "auth_info": {
    "signer_infos": [
        "public_key": {
          "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey",
          "threshold": 2,
          "public_keys": [
              "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
              "key": "A+MWcbaU4KISL5sCmxMIiiVnMDfyAR9j5i/AZ3jeByo4"
              "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
              "key": "A5EYG0FaECx2ONp0mSIvn66cHmYwe40VPSCxHEm9zDi5"
        "mode_info": {
          "multi": {
            "bitarray": {
              "extra_bits_stored": 3,
              "elems": "YA=="
            "mode_infos": [
                "single": {
                  "mode": "SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON"
                "single": {
                  "mode": "SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON"
        "sequence": "2"
  "signatures": [

Step 5. Broadcast the transaction

The final step is to broadcast this multisigned transaction.

./chain-maind tx broadcast signedTx.json --chain-id=crypto-org-chain-mainnet-1

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 114B582155DAC1033293A00FE8B2142EEDE4E560AE756529AFB1066E25033627

Nice, that is it, now you should be able to create multisigned transactions. Verify that you received this transaction succesfully with

./chain-maind query bank balances cro1mcxedxf985g6rj54rxqluuzdssc0r8p0hydetv

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