This tutorial will use our Azure 1-click Deployment image to start and create the latest Croeseid Testnet validator or full node.
CAUTION We do not recommend directly running validator on Mainnet by 1-Click deployment. Please use it with caution! Because the 1-click deployment is not running with TMKMS and your tendermint validator key is in plain text /chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.json. You may consider running validator with tmkms on AWS nitro-enclave.
Step 1. Azure Account Creation
You will first need to create a Microsoft Azure account with a Pay-As-You-Go subscription. This will require providing your credit card information to Microsoft Azure and you may be subject to getting charged when you create a virtual machine.
Please read Microsoft Azure free trial introduction to see if you are eligible for the free-tier.
Step 2. Common Setup
Step 2-1. Search for Cronos POS Chain on Marketplace
Sign in to your Microsoft Azure account and go to Marketplace. Search for "Cronos POS Chain 1-Click Node".
Step 2-2. Create a Virtual Machine
Choose the image and click "Create" to start creating the Cronos POS Chain 1-Click Node.
1. Basic
Select a recommended one or DC2s_v3
SSH public key source
Choose "existing public key"
SSH public key
Resource group
We suggest creating a new and dedicated one so that you can easily manage resources attached to the instance
2. Disk
Follow default setting
3. Networking
Virtual network, Subnet, Public IP and NIC: "Create new" if you don't have any in that region
4. Management
Follow default setting
Boot diagnostics: default is "On". Set to "Off" if it is not required.
5. Advanced
Follow default setting
6. Tags
Create Tag if needed
7. Review + Create
Click "create" to create your instance
Step 2-3. Connect to your instance
Once the deployment is completed, you can connect to your instance via SSH.
Afterward, go to the chain directory, and you will find all the essential binaries for setting up your node:
You may also enable (Optional)STATE-SYNC. Your node will download data related to the head or near the head of the chain and verify the data. This leads to drastically shorter times for joining a network for validator. For validator, It will be amazingly fast to sync the near head of the chain and join the network.
::: warning CAUTION Blocks before state-sync trust height will NOT be queryable. If you want to run a full node or a validator with complete blockchain data; It is not suggested to use state-sync. :::
...Resetchain-maindandremovedataifany❗️Enter (Y/N) to confirm to delete any old data: YStoppingchain-maindservice3:18PMINFRemovedallblockchainhistorydir=/chain/.chain-maind/data3:18PMINFGeneratedprivatevalidatorfilekeyFile=/chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.jsonstateFile=/chain/.chain-maind/data/priv_validator_state.json❗️/chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.jsonalreadyexists!Doyouwanttooverrideoldkey? (Y/N): YAnewpriv_validator_key.jsonwithpubkey:open/chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.json:nosuchfileordirectory💡Pleasemakesureyouhaveabackupof/chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.jsonincaseofunexpectedaccidents!
The consensus public key information could be found in /chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.json
Backup your old /chain/.chain-maind/config/priv_validator_key.json if you created once.
The script will also ask you to fill in the moniker value which is a human-readable display name for tendermint p2p. p2p gossip will allow you to connect with more nodes (data sources).